The flightless birds claim pigs are taking the attention away from them and their melting habitats—similar to the attention cows received during the Mad Cow outbreak of 95--and they will not stand to be outshined by another animal.
“We are one of the cutest species in the world,” Snowflake the penguin said flapping his wings. “So why shouldn’t we be the models for a fatal disease?”
The penguins remained on the ice until well into the evening, complaining about other species like dogs, fish and humans, which are being recognized for diseases like ringworm, salmonella, and AIDS.
“My fellow penguins, we are not just wintertime accessories,” Snowflake squawked. “It is time we show the world that we are made of more than blubber.”
For their part, the penguins are working hard to contaminate the oceans, introduce toxins to the fish they encounter underwater, and help the ice caps melt, to further their goal of global recognition.
During a recent press conference about the matter, San Diego Zoo biologist, Burt Davis concluded, “These really aren't the smartest animals out there.”
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