When police arrived in response to the clinic’s security alarm, Mr. Mohr was lecturing the test tube of cells, while his wife stood by nodding her head in agreement.
“This kid is going to be raised right, and will learn the dangers of crying wolf,” Mr. Mohr said while being led away by police. He was brought to the local police station and charged with breaking and entering, despite his efforts to prove that he was “visiting his child’s current dwelling.”
Ms. Mohr, however, defied police commands to leave the building, and threatened to hold petri dishes hostage unless her demand to sing the diploid cell to sleep was granted.
“Twinkle, twink...” the mother sang, slipping into unconsciousness from the sedative police shot her with.
A spokesperson for the clinic stated that this type of behavior from expecting parents was not unusual, and at least 30% of clinic patients act out in one way or another.
Says lab technician, Mike Dry: “We’ll give anyone a baby if the price is right.”
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