Geithner says he came across the map while pouring himself a bowl of cereal earlier today, which he unfolded during a meeting of congressional leaders earlier today.
According to financial leaders, the map has routes around an undisclosed island off the coast of California that lead to a spot marked 'X,' where Geithner believes the hidden treasure is located.
"Being treasury secretary is a lot like being the captain of a ship," Geithner said in a recent press conference. "I'm just leading my men to the booty."
Top U.S. officials have already scoured beaches along the West coast of the U.S. with metal detectors in search of more of what has been deemed 'our last hope for boosting the economy,’ and are awaiting further instructions to pursue what is on the treasure map.
"This isn't anything crazy," Geithner explained during the meeting. "We of the Treasury Department should be looking for treasure anyway."
Geithner has been taking orders from President Obama on how to proceed.
The new plan would create jobs on the high seas for at least 500 out of work pirates, a step President Obama says will only help our chances of success.
"We have a long rode ahead, filled with boat trips and walks through the beaches.” Obama said to his fellow buccaneers in the White House. “Now I am asking every American to put on his or her pirate patch and join me. Arr."
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