Thursday, August 27, 2009

Michelle Obama Says Healthcare Debate is Ruining her Sex life

Washington - During a recent meeting between President Barack Obama and Congress, First Lady Michelle stormed the stage and grabbed hold of the microphone took hold of the microphone, entreating officials to make a decision so her and the president could focus on personal issues, tertiary to healthcare.

“My husband is completely drained of energy by night time and a lady, even the first lady, has her sexual needs too,” she said before White House security offered her a xanax.

She went on explain the salubrious benefits of sex, and advocated intercourse as a key to fixing healthcare in America.

“I don’t know about you, but I put on my White House teddy and wait for Barack in the oval office, and when he comes in I just want to rip that suit off of him and—“Mrs. Obama began to slur her words as the medication took effect.

A crowd of women gathered at the White House gates along with their reluctant partners, to listen to the speech over TV monitors on the lawn.

“Umhum girlfriend,” DC resident Daria Thompson said smacking her husband’s on the shoulder.

When asked about his wife’s outburst and the low libido allegations, President Obama had this to say, “Well, you know what they say about black men.”

1 comment:

Rolfe Bautista said...

Interesting articles. I look forward to more :)